You can lose 30 or more pounds in the next 4 months by following a few simple guidelines below. Never attempt crash dieting to lose weight, no matter how desperate you need to lose weight. Try these simple tips and watch the weight fall off
- Plan every meal. Write down exactly what you plan to eat each day and plan to eat 5 to 6 small meals.
- Stay within a standard daily calorie range to lose weight. Women …. 1200 to 1400 calories and Men ….. 1600 to 1900 calories
- Include 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic activity 5 days a week. You can do fast pace walking, stationary biking with back support, jogging, swimming or aerobic class
- Eliminate white flour and sugar from your diet. This alone will help reduce your weight by allowing your body to burn more fat.
- Never skip breakfast. Trying to save calories in the morning will set you up to binge later in the day.
- Mid afternoon is notorious time for energy crash. Try having a daily protein shake or some other foods mid afternoon to keep your blood sugar stable ….. this way you avoid crashing and then binging.